Send us food promotion(s) you have come across, and we will sent you this coupon (Subject to availability of coupons)
Please share the promotion(s) with us at
The promotion must consist of the following info:
- Restaurant name
- Location(s), address, outlets (Any restaurants in Malaysia)
- Validity (If available)
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* Promotion(s) must be valid and not been posted here before
*Credit to Kui for coupon*
Wow... cool. I don't mind having one coupon as I know quite a few ongoing promotions in Penang. Will email you then :)
Thank you for participating! We will send you the coupon asap :)
Wah... 10 cents nia...
That's really cheap.... but how come duwan to give buy one free one instead? Wouldn't that be more eye-catching??
Hmmm till end of the month only.. Quick Quick.. must grab one fast fast.... Can I have one too, please????? :):)
This coupon is get a regular pizza for 10 cents with a minimum purchase of a regular pizza.
Thanks for your idea, we will consider that.
Sure you can have one, you are very welcome to participate. Email us any promotions you came across.